ZOLLER UK has announced a premier league line-up of tool presetting and inspection equipment for its open house event next week.
Experts are confident that, thanks to their innovative features, the pomBasic, genius 3, venturion 450, pomSkpGo and smileCompact will hit the back of the net when it comes to visitors’ requirements.
There’s also the toolOrganizer and keeper, part of the new Smart Cabinets product portfolio, to discover as ZOLLER UK hosts them for the very first time on these shores.
ZOLLER UK software helps to provide a complete tool management solution by making stock quantities, stock location, tool life data and work schedules available across all departments of a business.
So it doesn’t matter whether you’re a small or large business, a potential or existing customer – you’re invited to come along to watch live demonstrations and discover the many benefits for your operations.
ZOLLER UK promises to find a solution that will not only save you time and money but also improve both your tool and part quality, boosting your reliability and reputation in turn.

Here’s a closer look at what to expect:
- pomBasic – compact, ergonomic and robust, the »pomBasic« is ideal for shop floors and specialises in process-oriented measuring of drills, milling cutters and countersinks under incident light. Contact-free measurement avoids damage to cutting edges and documents their condition. It’s as fast and accurate as it is simple.
- pomSkpGo – giving laboratory measurement in a workshop setting, this machine offers unlimited mobility, intuitive user operator guidance and accurately traceable results. Simple to use even for unskilled operators, the »pomSkpGo« boasts high-resolution sensors with a live view to satisfy the increasing demand for the optimisation of cutting edge preparation.
- smileCompact – the mini must-have for professional tool presetting and measuring. It performs quickly and accurately and, thanks to its table-top design, can be placed directly into a manufacturing environment to get to work. Standard parameters such as length, diameter, radius, angle, concentricity and axial run-out can be measured in just seconds using »pilot 1.0 Starter« touch-screen operating technology.
- genius 3 – the universal measuring machine for metal-cutting tools. From rapid testing of individual criteria to complete, fully automatic, operator-independent checks, your tools are checked quickly, simply and precisely. With measurement results that are documented in detail and transferred to machines at the push of a button, the »genius 3« saves time during planning, programming and production while ensuring quality first-time results.

All this will be complemented by products from trusted ZOLLER UK partners Openmind, Kyocera Unimerco and Vericut by CG Tech, covering computer-aided design and manufacturing solutions as well as cutting tool servicing, maintenance and verification.
To round it all off there’s the special offer of a free ZOLLER UK tool trolley with every machine purchase order before December 31, 2017.
The free-to-attend open house takes place between 9.30am and 4pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 14 and 15, at its Advanced Innovation Centre on the Tomlinson Business Park in Woodyard Lane, Foston.