All Bases Covered at ZOLLER UK Open House

ZOLLER UK has announced a premier league line-up of tool presetting and inspection equipment for its open house event next week. Experts are confident that, thanks to their innovative features, the pomBasic, genius 3, venturion 450, pomSkpGo and smileCompact will hit the back of the net when it comes to visitors’ requirements. There’s also the […]
ZOLLER UK & Partners to Demonstrate Latest Technology at Open House

ZOLLER UK and Partners Have a Manufacturing Recipe for Success. Statistics show that the UK is currently the eighth largest manufacturing nation in the world by output. That’s pretty impressive for a small island nation with a population of just over 65-and-a-half million (by comparison China has 1.4 billion people, India 1.3 billion and the […]
‘Size doesn’t matter’ – ZOLLER UK open-house vow to businesses

Suppliers and manufacturers of all shapes and sizes are being offered a unique chance to discover technology that will help them make products better, faster and cheaper. ZOLLER UK specialises in precision tool presetting and inspection, helping to ensure tools are of the right quality to create accurate and quality parts prior to machining. From […]