Zidcode FAQ
Frequently asked questions

What requirements must my ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine meet?
What requirements must my CNC machine meet?
zidCode: USB cable for keyboard simulation or USB stick simulation and serial (RS-232) or ethernet for data transfer.
zidCode 4.0: Your CNC machine must be network-compatible. A network and power connection must be provided for zidCode 4.0 on the machine. Either the CNC machine must be integrated into the production network or a free network connection must be available.
How long does the installation of zidCode take?
Which version of zidCode is the right one for my production?
How do I connect zidCode with my CNC machine?
How do I attach zidCode to my CNC machine?
The monitor of either the zidCode or zidCode 4.0 is attached to your machine tool with very strong magnets. No drilling, hardly any effort and a firm attachment even during operation. Alternatively, you can also get zidCode 4.0 on a column to set up next to your machine.
Does zidCode require its own power connection?
What requirements must my tool holders meet?
zidCode: None. The corresponding QR code for data transfer is printed on a label on the ZOLLER presetting and measuring machine. You can either clip these onto your tool holders with our ZOLLER tool tag holders or stick the labels directly onto the tool.
zidCode 4.0: All tool holders must be marked with a unique 2D code. ZOLLER offers the reliable solutions idLabel or idChip for permanent tool marking. The code is used to identify your tool holder and the associated data is taken from the network. Alternatively, the tool holder can also be marked with a 2D code using laser marking.