ZOLLER UK will be attending Ajax & Noon Machinery’s open house event between the 16th and 17th November, at their facility in Stockport. Launching their new ULTRATURN lathe, Ajax & Noon promise to showcase the industry’s latest offering in advanced manufacturing equipment.
The open house will welcome a wide range of industry-leading technologies for visitors to see in action including our workshop-compatible smile tool presetter, which our team of industry professionals will use to demonstrate the machine’s accuracy and repeatability.
We, as partner to the world’s leader in innovation and quality of the measuring sector, will be on hand during the two-day open house event to offer support and advice, as well as industry insight into future innovations.
The Stockport event offers an exciting opportunity to network with some of the biggest names in the Global market of manufacturing sectors, allowing attendees to witness industry excellence in products aimed to improve your machining productivity and performance.
Visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ajax-machine-tools-noon-machinery-services-partner-open-house-tickets-28782935535 to sign up for the event or contact our team by phone on 01283 499566 or you can email info@zoller-uk.com